
Conference “Hydrogen for the future of the Alps”

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

During the conference "Hydrogen for the future of the Alps", some hydrogen valley projects will be presented, IMAGHyNE and NAHV, for instance.

In view of the current energy crisis, it is now more important than ever to strengthen the development of renewable energies in the Alps. Hydrogen has many advantages to become a key player in the energy transition: easily produced with renewable electricity, it can be used for many purposes, such as mobility, industry or exploitation in tourist areas. But what are the difficulties to create hydrogen ecosystems? What is the situation in Trentino and in the other Alpine territories? What are the challenges to be faced to create hydrogen value chains?

Fondazione Bruno Kessler and the Autonomous Province of Trento jointly organise the event within the AMETHyST project.

The conference wishes to gather representatives of public authorities, research entities and industrial sectors of the entire alpine space.

Download the agenda and register!
