
European Hydrogen Energy Conference 2024

EHEC offers an excellent framework for the update of hydrogen energy technologies. It is the perfect stage for showcasing advances in R&D projects and products. It brings together the latest research and business developments in front of a global audience of interested parties. In addition, the conference facilitates the presentation of cutting-edge electrolysis and fuel cell technologies for strategic business collaborations to emerge.

For more information go to the web page here.


Launch of SH2AMROCK project: One more project dedicated to hydrogen valleys

Launch of SH2AMROCK project: One more project dedicated to hydrogen valleys. On February 28th, the consortium officially kicked off the project SH2AMROCK – Ireland’s new hydrogen valley initiative, coordinated by the University of Galway.

The SH2AMROCK concept, a project coordinated by University of Galway, will implement green hydrogen in different hard to abate sectors within the island of Ireland, including key infrastructure to facilitate the production, distribution and use of this renewable hydrogen.

SH2AMROCK aims to revolutionize Ireland’s energy landscape over the next 5 years by deploying green hydrogen across various hard-to-abate sectors. With a substantial investment totaling approximately €62.5m, this initiative will spearhead the production, distribution, and utilization of green hydrogen, showcasing its potential to maximize renewable energy penetration and facilitate seamless integration into Ireland’s energy infrastructure.

Stay tuned for updates as we progress on this thrilling adventure!

From Life Cycle Analysis to Eco-Design: EHEC 2024 Explores SH2E & eGHOST Projects

SH2E will develop and demonstrate specific guidelines for the environmental (LCA), economic (LCC) and social (SLCA) life cycle assessment and benchmarking of FCH systems, while addressing their consistent integration into robust FCH-LCSA guidelines.

After the SH2E presentation, the parallel session of the eGHOST project will start. It will cover topics such as: Eco-design methodology, Reference case: PEMFC, Assessment of PEMFC under eco-design directive, among others.

EHEC 2024 is not just a conference; it’s an experience. Join us to learn, connect, and be part of shaping the future of hydrogen!

See the agenda 7th of March 2024



II Ebro Hydrogen Corridor Forum: A key meeting to boost the renewable hydrogen economy

Following the success of the first edition in Tudela, the II Ebro Hydrogen Corridor Forum will be held in Tarragona, 22th of February, bringing together the main players in the sector to advance in the consolidation of renewable hydrogen as a key vector in the energy transition.

A collaborative space for a decarbonised future

The Ebro Hydrogen Corridor, a pioneering initiative linking Aragon, Navarre, the Basque Country and Catalonia, aims to make this region a benchmark in the production, transport and use of green hydrogen. The forum will be an ideal space for sharing experiences, debating the challenges and opportunities of the sector, and promoting collaboration between public and private agents.

A full programme to boost knowledge and opportunities

The event will be attended by Hydrogen Europe, who will share the European vision of renewable hydrogen and the available support instruments. In addition, the heads of the territorial and business strategies of the four territories will present their most relevant projects and opportunities for collaboration.

Round tables, networking and much more

A round table with experts from the hydrogen value chain will provide an insight into the latest trends in the sector. In addition, the forum will offer an agenda of express meetings so that companies and organisations can connect and establish high-value relationships.

Should you be interested in attending, you can register for the event via this link.


The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Région presents IMAGHyNE, winner of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership large scale valley call in 2023

The IMAGHyNE project brings together more than 40 French and European partners in 6 different countries (France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany and Switzerland). The 6-year project (2024-2029) has a budget of €200 million and a total grant of €20 million from the Clean Hydrogen Partnership.

IMAGHyNE (Investments to Maximise the Ambition for Green Hydrogen iN Europe), coordinated by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Région, is the only European project to have won the 2023 call for projects for the Greater Hydrogen Valley. The official launch of this major project took place on 12 February at the Hotel de Région in Lyon, under the presidency of Laurent Wauquiez, president of the Auvergne- Rhône-Alpes Région and in presence of Thierry KOVACS, vice-president in charge of environment and positive ecology.

IMAGHyNE paves the way for the deployment of a large-scale renewable hydrogen economy in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Région, fully integrated in the energy system and adressing the challenges of high-emission sectors such as mobility and industry.

The objectives of the project are :

– Deploy 57 MW of new electrolysis capacity, to produce 8,000 t/year of low-carbon hydrogen, half of which will be 100% renewable with the aim of accelerating the transition and achieve a fully renewable-oriented economy.
– Implement a flexible hydrogen supply chain combining over 40t of underground storage and
deliveries by tube-trailers.
– Rely on a network of 13 hydrogen refuelling stations already financed by other sources.
– Deploy 203 fuel cell road vehicles for heavy duty vehicles, 63 off-road fuel cell vehicles and a back-up generator on the airport site.
– Design industrial clusters gathering multi-users around the production sites IMAGHyNE will meet the requirements and ambitions of the Clean hydrogen Partnership’s «large escale hydrogen valley» call for projects and contribute to the European hydrogen strategy.

IMAGHyNE will promote the development of a sustainable H2 economy through:
– The extension of the valley, including the development of a pipelines connecting the future European backbone and the transition of industrial players, observers of the project,
– An ambitious replication strategy with at least 5 European territories, airports and mountain
– Broad communication and dissemination, including training and information to public,
– Recommendations to public authorities, particularly on regulations.

This ambition will be achieved thanks to the involvement of public and private partners covering the
whole hydrogen value chain. IMAGHyNE partners will work collectively to create links and synergies
with existing and future valleys already supported by the CHP.

«By coordinating the IMAGHyNE project, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Région reaffirms its position as
pioneer Region in hydrogen sector in Europe. Following the Zero Emission Valley project launched in
2018 aiming to deploy 15 stations across the region, the IMAGHyNE project – large scale Hydrogen
Valley – will, by 2029, produce 8,000 tons of low-carbon hydrogen per year, store more than 40 tons
of hydrogen and co-finance more than 250 heavy-duty vehicles. IMAGHyNE gives an exceptional
visibility to the concept of positive ecology that we are promoting within the Region with Thierry
KOVACS, Vice-President in charge of environment and positive ecology», Laurent WAUQUIEZ, President of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Région.

«With its impressive number of hydrogen-powered applications, IMAGHyNE will be a valuable showcase
for the entire industry and serve as a blueprint for similar Hydrogen Valleys across Europe.
The Clean Hydrogen Partnership is proud to support the development of this large-scale Hydrogen Valley which will contribute to the transition to a zero-emission hydrogen economy of an entire region.

Building on the rich industrial know-how of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Région, including its numerous automobile manufacturers and the pioneering renewable hydrogen storage facility at Etrez (Hypster), I am confident that this European collaboration has the potential to drive innovation, generate employment opportunities, and address the environmental challenges of our times.” says Mirela Atanasiu, Executive Director ad interim of Clean Hydrogen Partnership.

The european commission, through the Horizon Europe Framework Programme, has provided funding for 3 small scale projects in the 2023 call and kick-off-meetings are forthcoming.


Clean Hydrogen Partnership calls for €113.5m in hydrogen projects

The Clean Hydrogen Partnership is launching a new hydrogen research call for proposals today, 17 January 2024. A total of € 113.5 million will be made available through Horizon Europe for projects to cover R&I activities across the whole hydrogen value chain.

Additional € 60 million (from the RePowerEU plan budget) will be used to support different activities (including topping-up of related call topics and a procurement to set-up and run a ‘Hydrogen Valleys Facility’ ) for increasing the number of Hydrogen Valleys across Europe.

“It is crucial that the Clean Hydrogen JU continues to support the development of innovative, cutting-edge projects that will help materialise the benefits of hydrogen technologies and help us to move forward towards the next generation of products. We invite applications from partners across all EU and associated countries and we hope they will come with solutions that will bring us a step closer to a resilient and sustainable hydrogen economy” said Mirela Atanasiu, Executive director a.i. , Clean Hydrogen Partnership

A total of 20 topics are part of the call for proposals, including 5 for Renewable Hydrogen Production, 5 for Hydrogen Storage and distribution, 4 for transport and 2 for heat and power. In addition, 2 topics will support Cross-cutting issues. This call also includes 2 Hydrogen Valleys topics.

The topics are grouped into 11 Research and Innovation Actions (RIA), 8 Innovation Actions (IA), and 1 Coordination and Support Action (CSA). Two of the Innovation Actions, on Hydrogen Valleys, are considered of strategic importance and are selected as flagship projects.

Synergies with other European partnerships and programmes as well as with Member States and regional programmes are at the core of a number of topics.

You can apply until 17 April 2024 via the EU Funding & Tenders Portal Electronic Submission System.

How to submit your proposal? here.


NAHV partners at Transcontinental Hydrogen Valley Roundtable in Davos

NAHV partners at Transcontinental Hydrogen Valley Roundtable in Davos. Stephen Taylor, Strategic Coordinator of the NAHV, and representatives of two NAHV’s partners: Ana Mareschi Danieli, Group Executive and Board Member of DANIELI & C SPA, and Aleksander Gerbec, Founder & CEO, Ecubes, took part at the Transcontinental Hydrogen Valley Roundtable in Davos on 18th January 2024.

Collaborating for the Future: Educating and Innovating to De-risk Large-Scale Hydrogen Projects

This exclusive event with participation from representatives of the North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley in Europe and Middle East spotlighted clean hydrogen’s key role in shaping a sustainable world. Recognised by the European Union as a fundamental element in achieving climate neutrality, clean hydrogen is not just essential for sustainable energy but is also a keystone in the pursuit of global peace. Its remarkable efficiency in storing and delivering renewable energy positions it as a cornerstone in reducing carbon footprints and fostering sustainable energy solutions.

Of inclusive nature, this roundtable was dedicated to catalysing a sweeping green energy transition through transcontinental collaboration.

The creation of a Transcontinental Hydrogen Valley requires a grand convergence of knowledge, policy, and investment. Educators will shape the minds that innovate in this field, policymakers will lay the groundwork for its development, and investors will bring the necessary resources to make this vision a reality.

Key Questions discussed in this roundtable were: 

  • How can clean hydrogen revolutionise various industries and the global energy landscape?
  • What challenges and opportunities lie in educating the next generation about hydrogen technology?
  • How can investors and collaborators help scale up hydrogen projects, and what are the potential returns?

A dynamic blend of presentations and Q&As stimulated thought-provoking discussions, fostering a vibrant and insightful exchange of ideas and kick-starting of transcontinental collaborations.


Clean Hydrogen Partnership Info Day Call 2024

As every year, the Clean Hydrogen Partnership will present the Info Day for the 2024 call. This year 2024 will be held on 26 January.

The Info Day will be a face-to-face event with the possibility to participate online.

Please note that capacity is limited. Register now and reserve your place.

By participating on-site you will have the possibility to present your project idea or service and get direct feedback, get in touch with the community or find a partner. Please indicate below if you are interested in participating in the event.

If you want to know what each call will consist of, you can find more information in the following link, as well as consult the agenda:

Info Day 2024 – Presentation of the call

Info Day Call 2024 – Agenda