
EU Hydrogen Valley Days foster collaboration and highlight funding opportunities

June 2024

Over 150 participants gathered for a productive day of discussions at the EU Hydrogen Valley Days, focusing on policy context and fostering collaboration within the European hydrogen valley community.

The opening session provided valuable insights into the policy landscape. Notably, 74 out of the 98 hydrogen valleys included in the Mission Innovation Hydrogen Valley Platform are European, highlighting the continent's strong presence in this innovative sector.

A key takeaway from the day was the importance of maintaining communication and knowledge exchange among hydrogen valleys. This collaboration is crucial for fostering learning, accessing public funding, and ultimately accelerating the development of hydrogen technology.

Organizers expressed their gratitude to the day's speakers and looked forward to the second day's agenda, which will delve into financing, startups, the role of European industry, and the skills needed for a successful hydrogen future.

Day Two: Funding Opportunities and Industry Collaboration Take Center Stage

The EU Hydrogen Valley Days concluded with over 200 attendees actively participating in sessions shaping the future of European hydrogen valleys.

Key learnings from the second day focused on financing opportunities:

  • Matching Needs: While numerous funding opportunities exist, ensuring a good match between buyers and producers and increased flexibility in funding structures are crucial elements.
  • Investor Priorities: Investors expressed a preference for working with demonstrators, large-scale projects, and ventures with clear business viability for their initial investments.
  • Hydrogen Valleys: A Matchmaking Platform: Hydrogen valleys were identified as excellent platforms for connecting stakeholders and fostering collaboration.

The session on financing showcased experiences from hydrogen valleys across Europe, including Pays de la Loire, Groningen, Castilla-La Mancha, and North-West Germany. Discussions highlighted key challenges and suggestions, including:

  • Addressing Local Renewable Energy Shortfalls
  • Navigating Regulatory Issues
  • Leveraging Past Industry Experiences
  • Introducing Flexibility in European Funding to Attract Private Investors

The successful EU Hydrogen Valley Days, co-organised by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership and the European Commission - DG Research and Innovation, provided a valuable platform for knowledge exchange, collaboration building, and identifying opportunities for advancing the development of European hydrogen valleys. The insights gained will undoubtedly play a vital role in shaping a sustainable and hydrogen-powered future.