European Hydrogen Valleys at EU Hydrogen Research Days 2023
European Hydrogen Valleys at EU Hydrogen Research Days 2023.
In 2023, the EU Hydrogen Research Days, integrated in the Hydrogen Week, will take place fully ONLINE on the 15 and 16 November.
During the EU Hydrogen Research Days, there will be a session dedicated to the European Hydrogen Valleys, where projects in which the Aragon Hydrogen Foundation participates with a different role will be presented.
The agenda of the event indicates that the Hydrogen Valleys will have their space during the first day of the event, on November 15 from 01:30p.m. to 3:15p.m.
Here you can see the European Hydrogen Valleys projects that you will be able to discover:
Moderator: Antonio Aguilo Rullan- Working with the regions
Antonio Aguilo Rullan, Project Manager, Clean Hydrogen Partnership.
- Status of H2 valleys in Europe - Presentation of the Mission Innovation Platform
Markus Kaufmann, Partner, Roland Berger - Mission Innovation Platform
- Success stories in H2 valleys: The GreenHysland project
Víctor Encinas, GreenHysland Project Coordinator, Enagás Renovable- A growing portfolio: the new projects on H2 Valleys:
- North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley
Jerneja Sedlar, Head of Development Department, Holding Slovenske elektrarne d.o.o.
- BalticSeaH2
Jatta Jussila, General Manager, CLIC Innovation Oy
- HYSouthMarmara
Mehmet Volkan Duman, Coordinator, Hydrogen Working Group, South Marmara
Development Agency
- Trieres
Konstantinos Chatzifotis, EU Affairs Director, Motor Oil Group
- Crave-H2
Spyridon Economou, General Manager, Hydrogen Technologies, Eunice Energy Technologies GmbH & Co.
Technologies GmbH & Co. KG
Bruno Sodiro, Hydrogen Project Development Expert, RINA Consulting