
Mark Your Calendars! European Week of Regions and Cities Returns to Brussels

May 2024

Calling all regions and cities across Europe! The wait is over - the 22nd edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities (EURegionsWeek) is officially on the horizon. This major event, dedicated to regional and urban policy, will take place in Brussels, Belgium from October 7th to 10th, 2024.

Get ready for an open and collaborative platform designed to foster cooperation and networking between cities and regions. This year's edition promises to be a valuable opportunity to share best practices, exchange ideas, and explore innovative solutions for regional and urban development.

The planning for EURegionsWeek 2024 is already underway! The kick-off meeting on February 22nd saw co-organizers, the European Commission and the European Committee of the Regions, unveil the key themes and highlights of the event.

Interested in participating? Be sure to visit the Partners' page and review the EURegionsWeek 2024 Guide for event partners. You can also access the recording of the kick-off meeting for further details.

Want to stay in the loop? Sign up for the EURegionsWeek newsletter, follow the official hashtag #EURegionsWeek on social media, or reach out directly to the organizers.

Don't miss out! The deadline to apply as a partner for EURegionsWeek 2024 is April 2nd, 2024. Take advantage of this chance to connect and shape the future of European regions and cities!

To apply, follow the steps on EURegionsWeek 2024 how to apply to become a partner, there is time until 02 April 2024!