A total of 16 hydrogen valleys from all over the country will collaborate to promote the renewable hydrogen value chain in Spain.
The Hydrogen Valleys Alliance seeks to position Spain as a relevant player in the European economy in this energy vector.
In a step towards the decarbonisation of industrial and transport sectors of the national economy and the development of an industrial value chain, sixteen hydrogen valleys from all over Spain have met in Huelva to sign up to the Hydrogen Valleys Alliance.
These associations will work together to promote the renewable hydrogen value chain with the aim of positioning Spain as a relevant player in the European economy of this energy vector.
In the words of the Hydrogen Valleys Alliance, ‘the main premise of this Alliance is to mark a before and after in the sustainable and competitive future that we intend to outline in Spain. The collaboration between all the valleys is essential to overcome the climate and energy challenge that we all have in common, and to maintain the competitiveness of our industrial sector, taking advantage of the opportunity to develop new industry and technology’.
In order to carry out the different initiatives promoted around this energy vector, the country’s sixteen hydrogen valleys, made up of companies and other public and private organisations belonging to multiple parts of the hydrogen value chain, seek to collaborate in order to drive the development of local ecosystems around the hydrogen economy.
They also aim to learn from each other’s best practices, advance in collaborative projects and improve their capacity for dialogue with the different Spanish and EU institutions.
The Hydrogen Valleys Alliance has 611 entities involved in 333 projects, which involve, among others, the production of almost 900,000 tn/year of hydrogen, and the abatement of more than 11 M tn/year of CO2.
Renewable hydrogen is a key energy vector for making Europe’s commitment to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 a reality, and for making progress in reducing energy dependence and greenhouse gas emissions. Spain, for its part, has an industrial fabric that is well positioned to support the development of green hydrogen and with ideal conditions to make this a key vector for energy transition, as well as to achieve an opportunity for industrial, economic, social and technological development.