
The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Région presents IMAGHyNE, winner of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership large scale valley call in 2023

The IMAGHyNE project brings together more than 40 French and European partners in 6 different countries (France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany and Switzerland). The 6-year project (2024-2029) has a budget of €200 million and a total grant of €20 million from the Clean Hydrogen Partnership.

IMAGHyNE (Investments to Maximise the Ambition for Green Hydrogen iN Europe), coordinated by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Région, is the only European project to have won the 2023 call for projects for the Greater Hydrogen Valley. The official launch of this major project took place on 12 February at the Hotel de Région in Lyon, under the presidency of Laurent Wauquiez, president of the Auvergne- Rhône-Alpes Région and in presence of Thierry KOVACS, vice-president in charge of environment and positive ecology.

IMAGHyNE paves the way for the deployment of a large-scale renewable hydrogen economy in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Région, fully integrated in the energy system and adressing the challenges of high-emission sectors such as mobility and industry.

The objectives of the project are :

– Deploy 57 MW of new electrolysis capacity, to produce 8,000 t/year of low-carbon hydrogen, half of which will be 100% renewable with the aim of accelerating the transition and achieve a fully renewable-oriented economy.
– Implement a flexible hydrogen supply chain combining over 40t of underground storage and
deliveries by tube-trailers.
– Rely on a network of 13 hydrogen refuelling stations already financed by other sources.
– Deploy 203 fuel cell road vehicles for heavy duty vehicles, 63 off-road fuel cell vehicles and a back-up generator on the airport site.
– Design industrial clusters gathering multi-users around the production sites IMAGHyNE will meet the requirements and ambitions of the Clean hydrogen Partnership’s «large escale hydrogen valley» call for projects and contribute to the European hydrogen strategy.

IMAGHyNE will promote the development of a sustainable H2 economy through:
– The extension of the valley, including the development of a pipelines connecting the future European backbone and the transition of industrial players, observers of the project,
– An ambitious replication strategy with at least 5 European territories, airports and mountain
– Broad communication and dissemination, including training and information to public,
– Recommendations to public authorities, particularly on regulations.

This ambition will be achieved thanks to the involvement of public and private partners covering the
whole hydrogen value chain. IMAGHyNE partners will work collectively to create links and synergies
with existing and future valleys already supported by the CHP.

«By coordinating the IMAGHyNE project, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Région reaffirms its position as
pioneer Region in hydrogen sector in Europe. Following the Zero Emission Valley project launched in
2018 aiming to deploy 15 stations across the region, the IMAGHyNE project – large scale Hydrogen
Valley – will, by 2029, produce 8,000 tons of low-carbon hydrogen per year, store more than 40 tons
of hydrogen and co-finance more than 250 heavy-duty vehicles. IMAGHyNE gives an exceptional
visibility to the concept of positive ecology that we are promoting within the Region with Thierry
KOVACS, Vice-President in charge of environment and positive ecology», Laurent WAUQUIEZ, President of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Région.

«With its impressive number of hydrogen-powered applications, IMAGHyNE will be a valuable showcase
for the entire industry and serve as a blueprint for similar Hydrogen Valleys across Europe.
The Clean Hydrogen Partnership is proud to support the development of this large-scale Hydrogen Valley which will contribute to the transition to a zero-emission hydrogen economy of an entire region.

Building on the rich industrial know-how of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Région, including its numerous automobile manufacturers and the pioneering renewable hydrogen storage facility at Etrez (Hypster), I am confident that this European collaboration has the potential to drive innovation, generate employment opportunities, and address the environmental challenges of our times.” says Mirela Atanasiu, Executive Director ad interim of Clean Hydrogen Partnership.

The european commission, through the Horizon Europe Framework Programme, has provided funding for 3 small scale projects in the 2023 call and kick-off-meetings are forthcoming.


Clean Hydrogen Partnership calls for €113.5m in hydrogen projects

The Clean Hydrogen Partnership is launching a new hydrogen research call for proposals today, 17 January 2024. A total of € 113.5 million will be made available through Horizon Europe for projects to cover R&I activities across the whole hydrogen value chain.

Additional € 60 million (from the RePowerEU plan budget) will be used to support different activities (including topping-up of related call topics and a procurement to set-up and run a ‘Hydrogen Valleys Facility’ ) for increasing the number of Hydrogen Valleys across Europe.

“It is crucial that the Clean Hydrogen JU continues to support the development of innovative, cutting-edge projects that will help materialise the benefits of hydrogen technologies and help us to move forward towards the next generation of products. We invite applications from partners across all EU and associated countries and we hope they will come with solutions that will bring us a step closer to a resilient and sustainable hydrogen economy” said Mirela Atanasiu, Executive director a.i. , Clean Hydrogen Partnership

A total of 20 topics are part of the call for proposals, including 5 for Renewable Hydrogen Production, 5 for Hydrogen Storage and distribution, 4 for transport and 2 for heat and power. In addition, 2 topics will support Cross-cutting issues. This call also includes 2 Hydrogen Valleys topics.

The topics are grouped into 11 Research and Innovation Actions (RIA), 8 Innovation Actions (IA), and 1 Coordination and Support Action (CSA). Two of the Innovation Actions, on Hydrogen Valleys, are considered of strategic importance and are selected as flagship projects.

Synergies with other European partnerships and programmes as well as with Member States and regional programmes are at the core of a number of topics.

You can apply until 17 April 2024 via the EU Funding & Tenders Portal Electronic Submission System.

How to submit your proposal? here.


NAHV partners at Transcontinental Hydrogen Valley Roundtable in Davos

NAHV partners at Transcontinental Hydrogen Valley Roundtable in Davos. Stephen Taylor, Strategic Coordinator of the NAHV, and representatives of two NAHV’s partners: Ana Mareschi Danieli, Group Executive and Board Member of DANIELI & C SPA, and Aleksander Gerbec, Founder & CEO, Ecubes, took part at the Transcontinental Hydrogen Valley Roundtable in Davos on 18th January 2024.

Collaborating for the Future: Educating and Innovating to De-risk Large-Scale Hydrogen Projects

This exclusive event with participation from representatives of the North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley in Europe and Middle East spotlighted clean hydrogen’s key role in shaping a sustainable world. Recognised by the European Union as a fundamental element in achieving climate neutrality, clean hydrogen is not just essential for sustainable energy but is also a keystone in the pursuit of global peace. Its remarkable efficiency in storing and delivering renewable energy positions it as a cornerstone in reducing carbon footprints and fostering sustainable energy solutions.

Of inclusive nature, this roundtable was dedicated to catalysing a sweeping green energy transition through transcontinental collaboration.

The creation of a Transcontinental Hydrogen Valley requires a grand convergence of knowledge, policy, and investment. Educators will shape the minds that innovate in this field, policymakers will lay the groundwork for its development, and investors will bring the necessary resources to make this vision a reality.

Key Questions discussed in this roundtable were: 

  • How can clean hydrogen revolutionise various industries and the global energy landscape?
  • What challenges and opportunities lie in educating the next generation about hydrogen technology?
  • How can investors and collaborators help scale up hydrogen projects, and what are the potential returns?

A dynamic blend of presentations and Q&As stimulated thought-provoking discussions, fostering a vibrant and insightful exchange of ideas and kick-starting of transcontinental collaborations.


Clean Hydrogen Partnership Info Day Call 2024

As every year, the Clean Hydrogen Partnership will present the Info Day for the 2024 call. This year 2024 will be held on 26 January.

The Info Day will be a face-to-face event with the possibility to participate online.

Please note that capacity is limited. Register now and reserve your place.

By participating on-site you will have the possibility to present your project idea or service and get direct feedback, get in touch with the community or find a partner. Please indicate below if you are interested in participating in the event.

If you want to know what each call will consist of, you can find more information in the following link, as well as consult the agenda:

Info Day 2024 – Presentation of the call

Info Day Call 2024 – Agenda



5th Hydrogen Finance and Investment Summit

Connect with more than 100 industry and technology leaders to discuss hydrogen investment and financing.

DAY 1 – 21 February 2024

08:40AM – 09:05AM

Integrating Regional Hydrogen Markets, Opportunities and Barriers

Frank Wouters
SVP Energy Transition, Reliance Industries

What is the potential for hydrogen trade between Europe and its southern neighbours? What is required to integrate the European and Southern Mediterranean energy markets? What can we learn from the checkered past?What physical infrastructure is required to enable a liquid market for hydrogen? Who would pay for this?

09:05AM – 09:30AM

Experiences from 15 years of Public Hydrogen Funding in Germany and a Look Ahead

Johannes Daum
Head of Division Hydrogen, Alternative Fuels and Fuel Cells, NOW GmbH

• Funding for hydrogen mobility in Germany – status quo

• How to adress different market stages – from R&D to market ramp up

• Is public funding (still) the right way to go or do we need other instruments for a further roll-out.

• Implementation of the German National Hydrogen Strategy


09:30AM – 10:10AM

Hydrogen Investments: Trends and Opportunities

 • Identifying the most promising investment opportunities in the hydrogen sector

• Evaluating the risks and returns of hydrogen projects.

• Discussing the role of public-private partnerships in attracting investments


 Jun Sasamura / Senior Analyst – Hydrogen / Westwood   Global Energy

 Dr Fatemeh Rezazadeh / Vice President, Hydrogen / Varo  Energy

 Frank Wouters / Senior Vice President of New Energy /   Reliance Industries

 Samuel Simon / Director – Energy and Infrastructure Advisory / JLL

10:10AM – 10:35AM

End-to-End Hydrogen Supply Chain Development in Europe

Ryo Kogure
VP Hydrogen Supply Chain & Infrastructure, European Markets, Mitsubishi Nederland B.V.

 • Connecting supply and demand in a proper way

• Close alignment throughout the value chain: requirement of well-coordinated development of hydrogen industry and wider collaboration,

• Challenges: the gap between offtakers’ willingness to pay and achievable hydrogen price level at delivery points,and approach to narrow discrepancy.


10:35AM – 11:00AM

Speed Networking Session

Join us in this Speed Networking Session where you will be able to meet other participants at the forum! During this session, you will have the opportunity to engage with several leaders in a short amount of time and exchange business cards to take conversations beyond the forum

11:00AM – 11:30AM

One-to -One Meetings & Networking Break


11:30AM – 11:55AM

Understanding the Capital Requirements and Potential Regulatory Financing Structures for H2 Pipeline Infrastructure

Imran Abdulla
Associate Director | Energy System Decarbonisation | Hydrogen & CCS, Guidehouse

• Confirming supply-demand scenarios and raising development  capital to FID

• Engaging regulators on potential business models

• Key principles of a regulatory business model for pipeline   transmission operators


11:55AM – 12:35PM

Enabling Finance and Policy Frameworks for Project Development

 The widespread deployment of clean hydrogen will not happen without long-term finance. Despite significant interest in new hydrogen technologies, few projects have successfully been brought from pilot to full-scale development. Public and private sectors must work together to unlock capital flows and ensure hydrogen takes its critical place in a clean energy future.

• How can hydrogen projects be financed and what sources of finance are available?

• What support do governments need to provide to stimulate demand and mitigate financial risk for investors?

• Will the EU’s Clean Tech Act compete with the Inflation Reduction  Act? Is there an opportunity for successful transatlantic co-ordination?

• How can the development of certification and standardization  schemes be accelerated? What role will international collaboration play in this process?


 Bart White / Managing Director, Head of Structured Finance / 

 SCIB UK Santander Corporate & Investment Banking

 William Mezzullo / Head of Hydrogen / Centrica

 Allan Baker / MD – Global Head of Energy Transition  

 (Energy+Group) / Societe Generale 

 Catherine Gras / CEO Storengy UK & Germany / Managing 

 Director – Storengy Deutschland GmbH

12:35PM – 01:00PM

Financing Green Hydrogen Projects, Separating Myths from Facts

• Risks and mitigants from a banking perspective

• Financing structures – what works and what does not

• Importance of early bankability advice

 Ramon Van Den Dungen / Managing Director – Energy  

 Sector, Hydrogen Lead NL / ING

01:00PM – 02:00PM

Lunch Time Break


02:00PM – 02:10PM

One-to -One Meetings & Networking Break


02:10PM – 02:50PM

Hydrogen Finance: Unlocking Investment Opportunities in the Clean Energy Sector.

 • Green Financing: Mobilizing capital for hydrogen infrastructure


• Investment Strategies: Analysing market trends and potential

returns in the hydrogen sector

• Hydrogen Bonds: Unlocking financing solutions for the clean

energy transition

• Financial Models: Assessing risks and returns for hydrogen


• Diversifying Portfolios: Exploring investment funds that focus

on hydrogen companies.


 Thomas Fureder / Managing Director / Barclays Investment Bank

 Robbert Lagerweij / Director Project Finance / Rabobank

 Art Pithayachariyakul / Principal / CPP Investments |Investissements RPC

Tryggvi Thor Herbertsson / Head of Hydrogen Strategy and Partnership / Qair International


02:50PM – 03:15PM

Tax Equity Perspectives on Hydrogen Project Investment.

 • Capital Flow: Evaluating the direction of capital in the tax equity  market for hydrogen projects.

• Risk and Return: Assessing the revaluation of risk and return on existing assets in light of tax equity opportunities.

• Market Changes: Predicting the expected changes and shifts in the tax equity market for hydrogen projects.

• Bonus Qualifications: Understanding the criteria and qualifications  for bonus provisions in tax equity investment.

• Incentives and Direct Pay: Analyzing the effectiveness and practical  implementation of new provisions in tax equity investments.

• Compliance Documentation: Exploring how hydrogen projects  document compliance with tax equity regulations.

03:15PM – 03:40PM

CPPIB Strategy for Hydrogen Investments

Art Pithayachariyakul
Principal, CPP Investments | Investissements RPC

 • CPPIB approach to decarbonization and energy transition; thesis on hydrogen as a scalable sector

• Our platform investment approach: backing teams with follow-on capital makes nascent sector scalable for a large institutional investor

• Customer-back approach to hydrogen; existing industrial users of grey hydrogen key to first-wave FID

• Return drivers: project de-risking, portfolio synergies, and platform value


03:40PM – 04:10PM

One-to -One Meetings & Networking Break


04:10PM – 04:35PM

Investment in Hydrogen from Offshore Wind

Stirling Habbitts
Director Business Development, MD Hydrogen, Source Energie

Models for production of hydrogen from offshore wind – offshore, onshore, centralised & decentralised

Offshore hydrogen pipeline infrastructure and connection of hydrogen from offshore wind to shore

Requirements for finance of hydrogen from offshore wind projects


04:35PM – 05:00PM

Development of Offshore Wind projects coupled with Hydrogen generation.

Gabriel Bernardes
Lead Technical Project Manager – Denmark Cluster, Vattenfall Nederlands N.V.

 • Main challenges on project development of Green H2 production  from OFW.

• Opportunities for suppliers

• Opportunities for investors


05:00PM – 05:25PM

Hydrogen Storage: On the Critical Path to Deliver the European Hydrogen Ambition

Catherine Gras
CEO, Storengy UK and Germany

 After some key facts on the different available technologies, the underground potential in Europe and the development timeline, the presentation will focus on the role of hydrogen storage and the hurdles that need to be overcome to come to final investment decision.


05:25PM – 05:50PM

Hydrogen Lab Testing Infrastructure

Kevin Vincent Schalk
Group Manager Hydrogen Lab Bremerhaven, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems IWES

 • Overview of our broad testing infrastructure – ranging from   relatively small cell- und stack test stands in the kW-range  all the way up to our multi-MW full system test benches

• We are involved in developing standardized testing protocols, to allow for comparable performance analysis, such that confidence in hydrogen assets can grow among financers and project developers

• I can show how these tests are set up in principle and what they  cover

• We can offer a sort of type certification testing, such that projects with large modular plants can be verified and validated and in the end de-risked, by putting one of the modules on our test benches

05:50PM – 06:15PM

On The Relevance of Electrolyser Location for Determining Carriers

Tryggvi Thor Herbertsson
Head of Hydrogen Strategy and Partnership, Qair International

• Government grants and subsidies for hydrogen production are only temporary. The taxpayer will only consent to so much support. Thus, projects that rely on such financing are unsustainable in the longer run.

• Consequently, major projects will only be developed in regions where support is not needed, where energy and land are inexpensive and abundant – far from main markets.

• As a result of this transportation will be a major issue. Global trade will revolve around hydrogen derivatives that can easily be transported over long distances.

• So, the big question is which carrier should the industry bet on?


DAY 2 – 22 February 2024

08:40AM – 09:05AM

Hydrogen: Present and Future in Spain

Emilio Nieto
General Manager, CNH2

• Start with the European Strategy and the last information available as additionality, renewable hydrogen definition, geographic nd time rules, EU investment bank, etc.

• Continue with the Spanish strategy and the last updates as our new challenges on climate and environmental goals, as well as hydrogen KPAs.

• Once the Spanish and European Strategies are further developed, I will present the Spanish hydrogen projects to be further develop in the following short years up to 2025-2026.

• Other part for the European projects regarding the strategies.

• The last part is for the future challenges of the hydrogen sector, not only the public and private partnerships, but also the cost reduction with the economies of scale, as well as the new regulation to be further developed.

09:05AM – 09:30AM

Unlocking Financing the Hydrogen Economy

Allan Baker
MD – Global Head of Power, Societe Generale


• Should we worry about technology?

• What are the barriers to financing of hydrogen projects?

• What can we learn from projects that are moving ahead?

• Can hydrogen ever be a global commodity?


09:30AM – 09:55AM

LOHC – MCH : The Way To Establish Global Hydrogen Transportation Network

Osamu Ikeda
Managing Director, Chiyoda Corporation Netherlands B.V.

• Infrastructure (Pipeline, Shipping) to establish global hydrogen supply chain network and Hydrogen carrier technology

• Key points of LOHC-MCH technology as hydrogen carrier (technology overview, technology development history & update)

• Ongoing global hydrogen supply chain projects by LOHC-MCH technology and target schedule for commercialization

09:55AM – 10:20AM

IPCEI Project Clean Hydrogen Coastline

Dr Geert Tjarks
Head of Business Unit Development, EWE GASSPEICHER GmbH

 • Large scale green hydrogen production as a flexibility

in the energy sector

• Large scale hydrogen storage in salt caverns

• Large scale hydrogen transport via pipelines

• Industrial use in the steel industry

10:20AM – 10:45AM

Accelerating Global Demand for Hydrogen Growth

 • Analysis of medium-term trends influencing the hydrogen market’s growth

• Understanding the current and projected near-term supply and demand dynamics for hydrogen

• Exploring forecasts for hydrogen supply, including production  capacities and distribution networks

• Assessing factors driving the increasing demand for hydrogen across industries and sectors

• Examining the potential impact of policy incentives and government initiatives on hydrogen growth

• Identifying challenges and opportunities for meeting the growing demand for hydrogen

10:45AM – 11:10AM


Matti Malkamäki / Founder, Chairman of the Board / Hycamite TCD Technologies Ltd

11:10AM – 11:40AM

One-to -One Meetings & Networking Break


11:40AM – 12:05PM

Raising Capital for Hydrogen Hub Projects: The Financial Community’s Perspectives on Evaluating Bankability

• Evaluating bankability: Exploring the financial community’s perspective on assessing the viability of hydrogen hub projects for capital raising.

• Project financing: Understanding the key considerations and criteria for evaluating the bankability of hydrogen hub   projects.

• Risk assessment: Analyzing the financial risks associated with Hydrogen Hub Projects and Their Impact on Capital Raising.

• Funding Sources: Examining the Various Options Available for Raising Capital, Including Traditional Lenders, Private Equity, and Government-Backed Programs.

• Financial Models: Discussing the Development and Utilization of Accurate Financial Models to Evaluate the Financial Feasibility and Attractiveness of Hydrogen Hub Projects.

• Regulation: What is the role of regulation and how does it affect bankability?



Louis Homberg
Fund Manager, Horus Energy


Stirling Habbitts
Director Business Development, MD Hydrogen, Source Energie
Samuel Simon
Director Energy and Infrastructure Advisory, JLL
Gabriel De Laval
Executive Director Head of Hydrogen Sector, Crédit Agricole CIB
12:05PM – 12:30PM

How to Make Power-to-X Bankable

Thomas Munch
Power- to- X Business Developer, Hydrogen Valley

• The Importance of Thorough P2X Feasibility Studies:  Assessing off-take, cost efficiency and scalability is crucial, as it sets a strong foundation for commercial success.

 Selecting Appropriate and Efficient Technologies for P2X:                                                                                 Emphasize the significance of strategically  choosingtechnologies that contribute to lowering the Levelized Cost of X (LCOx) and strengthening the overall business case.

 Biogas in P2X Projects:                                            Focus on the strategic development of Power-to-X projects from a biogas perspective, underlining the commercial value of biogenic CO2. Explore how effectively coupling biogas with the production of eMethane and eMethanol can open new avenues for business growth.



12:30PM – 12:55PM

What Makes Hydrogen Project Bankable?

• How are banks and investors viewing the pros and cons in hydrogen development?

• What are the turn-ons and turn-offs to hydrogen financing, and where’s the capital coming from?

• Barriers to entry for hydrogen financiers: are the current project finance models sufficient considering the scale of the projects?

• How to make projects still viable given rising costs and supply chain constraints? How does tax equity for offshore wind work

12:55PM – 01:55PM

Lunch Time Break


01:55PM – 02:05PM

One-to -One Meetings & Networking Break


02:05PM – 02:30PM

Mitigating risk for integrated hydrogen projects with rising complexity through combination of renewable energy, electrical grid, upscaling of Ez size and coupling with chemical process, with focus

Sven Goethals
Commercial Director Hydrogen and Decarbonization, TRACTEBEL

 • Integrating of variable renewable energy through digital twins

• Scaling up of Ez

• From medium scale grid connected projects to large scale isolated grid projects

• Different project development practices from energy and oil&gas


02:30PM – 02:55PM

Hydrogen in Mobility: Hoax or Solution?

Bernard Dijk van
Aviation expert, hydrogen science coalition

 • Production of hydrogen

• Hydrogen in road and rail transportation.

• Hydrogen in aircraft.

• Hydrogen in shipping

02:55PM – 03:35PM

Investing in Hydrogen for Grid Stability

Renewable power plants investing in hydrogen have emerged as a promising solution to provide, stable power to the grid. This session focuses on successful business models, fundraising strategies.

• Strategies for developers to attract funding and investments for their green hydrogen initiatives.

• Overcoming challenges and regulatory considerations in scaling up green hydrogen projects

• Leveraging public-private partnerships to enhance project viability and accelerate deployment.

• Identifying key market opportunities and potential for collaboration within the green hydrogen sector

03:35PM – 04:05PM

One-to -One Meetings & Networking Break


04:05PM – 04:30PM

Sustainable Growth of a Green Hydrogen Industry

• Policy. What are the pull and push policies that are required?

• Technology. A look back of RE industry and a forward wish to electrolytic suppliers.

• Market and key stakeholders. Other key enablers of industry sustainability.

04:30PM – 05:10PM

EU Regulatory Initiatives Driving the Hydrogen Economy – Evaluating Policy Support and Incentives

Examining the regulatory actions inside the European Union (EU) that are promoting the growth of a hydrogen economy is the main objective of this session. Key topics include reviewing current policy support across Europe, examining the effectiveness of EU hydrogen policies in driving growth, investigating the policy measures required to stimulate hydrogen consumption, and considering the updated hydrogen taxonomy in Europe.

• An analysis of the current policy environment supporting   hydrogen development in the EU – An assessment of how well EU hydrogen policies are working to promote growth

• Determining the necessary policy changes to encourage a rise in hydrogen demand.

• Examining the new hydrogen taxonomy in Europe and its effects on the sector – Taking into account


Tobias Bühnen / Policy Advisor / Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE)

Imran Abdulla / Associate Director | Energy System Decarbonisation | Hydrogen & CCS / Guidehouse

Ryo Kogure / VP Hydrogen Supply Chain & Infrastructure, European Markets / Mitsubishi Nederland B.V.

View agenda here!

Water for Hydrogen Production report by IRENA

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has released a comprehensive report titled ‘Water for hydrogen production’, co-authored by Bluerisk. This report provides an in-depth analysis of water withdrawal and consumption intensities across various hydrogen production pathways, highlighting greenhydrogen as the most water-efficient clean hydrogen production technology.

The findings are based on extensive interviews with industry experts and thorough literature reviews. The report also explores the projected increase in global hydrogen production and its implications for freshwater withdrawal, emphasising the importance of integrating water considerations into energy planning.

A report on the water implications of hydrogen production and answers the following questions.

  • How much water does a hydrogen plant actually consume?
  • What will be the global impact of clean hydrogen?
  • What about the local impact? More than 35% of the world’s green and blue hydrogen production capacity (operational and planned) is located in regions with severe water scarcity. what will be its local impact.

Discover the full report here



Programme review report 2023

The Programme Review Report is looking at the activities and results of the Clean Hydrogen JU and how they align with the strategy and objectives set out in its founding Regulation and further elaborated in the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda.

The purpose of the periodic Programme Review is to ensure that the Clean Hydrogen JU Programme is aligned with the strategy and objectives set out in the SBA, further elaborated in its SRIA for 2021-2027.

The report is available for download on the Clean Hydrogen Partnership website.

Clean Hydrogen Partnership Awards winners

This sixth edition of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership Awards was presented in Brussels on Wednesday, 22 November 2023, celebrates how European research and innovation continue to drive the clean energy revolution further and higher.


Best Innovation Award: emission-free aviation goes to HEAVEN

The winner, HEAVEN, represents the first application of liquid hydrogen storage technology in aviation. The innovation was integrated with a hydrogen-electric fuel cell propulsion system in a light demonstrator aircraft that seats up to four people.

The award was handed over to numerous representatives of the project consortium by Dr Bernd Biervert, Head of Clean Energy Transition Unit in DG Research & Innovation.

Rosalinde van der Vlies, Clean Planet Director, DG RTD, European Commission said:

“The HEAVEN project shows what European innovators can achieve by joining their forces. I wish to congratulate the winning team for their outstanding achievement. Their solutions will bring us a step closer to a resilient and sustainable energy system in which renewable hydrogen plays a leading role.”

European H2 Valley of the Year goes to Green Hysland

Three hydrogen valley projects received this year’s award for their outstanding efforts to develop integrated systems of hydrogen production, supply, storage and use in multiple sectors: Hydrogen Hub Noord-HollandWIVA P&G in Austria, and Green Hysland on Mallorca, Spain.

Green Hysland aims to become Europe’s first hydrogen island and a blueprint for other areas in Europe. Its consortium of 30 partners from 11 countries is producing green hydrogen from solar energy.

“Together we are shaping a sustainable future, harnessing the power of clean hydrogen to propel us towards a greener and more resilient Europe,” said project coordinator Victor Encinas Sanchez.

“Thank you to the Clean Hydrogen Partnership for recognising our joint commitment to innovation and sustainability. Without the funding of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership, this would not have happened,” he added.

The project’s pilot sites are a green hydrogen plant in Lloseta; a pressure-reducing station to inject hydrogen into the local gas grid; three fuel cell systems to provide heat and power to a sports centre in Lloseta, a hotel, and a ferry terminal in Palma; fuel-cell buses and a hydrogen refuelling station, along with distribution infrastructure.

Photography by


Join the International Conference «Hydrogen Corridors in Europe»

Join the International Conference «Hydrogen Corridors in Europe», which will be held on Thursday, November 30, 2023, at 9.30 a.m., in the Conference Center of the Legnica Special Economic Zone.

The common goal of this event is to seek answers to the key question: how to prepare companies for this revolution and what does it really mean for entrepreneurs, local governments and the world of science?

The event will include two panel discussions. The first will deal with European initiatives on hydrogen in transport corridors and the second with national initiatives on hydrogen in road and river transport corridors. A discussion on the financing of hydrogen corridors is also planned.

During the conference, in addition to listening to expert presentations, participants will have the opportunity for one-on-one speed dating to effectively exchange contacts and establish new business relationships. Rotating tables, the so-called «mixer» for entrepreneurs will consist of 6 rounds of 20 minutes each.

Discover the Framework Agenda of the Conference Hydrogen Corridors of Europe.

Register now!