
European Hydrogen Week 2024


The hydrogen economy will redraw the energy map. There is absolutely no doubt that hydrogen will have a key role in the energy transition, especially to harvest the fast-growing amount of renewable energy. Therefore, in the global race to reach the Paris Agreement targets, hydrogen technologies are increasingly at the centre of the attention and are now considered crucial and lucrative opportunities. The hydrogen’s moment is definitely now!

Register now to attend the European Hydrogen Week 2024!

Europe forges ahead with hydrogen valleys: Commission unveils progress and strategies

The European Union (EU) is accelerating its push towards a hydrogen-powered future, outlining key actions to establish at least 50 operational or under-construction Hydrogen Valleys by 2030. These localized clusters, where renewable hydrogen fuels local industries and transportation, are seen as crucial for a viable European hydrogen economy.

The Commission published a Staff Working Document outlining the strategic priorities and actions that are currently ongoing or planned.

Commission Unveils Strategic Priorities:

  • Hydrogen Valley Facility: Through the Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking, the Commission will create a facility to support early-stage Hydrogen Valleys, nurturing them towards construction readiness.
  • Clean Hydrogen Knowledge Hub: Building upon the existing European Hydrogen Observatory, a new hub will offer stakeholders a centralized platform for information access, facilitating data analysis and informed decision-making.
  • Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda: Aligned with the updated Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan, the Commission will collaborate with member states and stakeholders to implement the Green Hydrogen Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda.
  • Integrated Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEIs): Four waves of hydrogen IPCEIs have been approved, leveraging over €43 billion in public-private funds to support 120+ projects involving nearly 100 European companies.
  • European Hydrogen Academy: Launched in January 2024, the academy received €3 million from the EU and is envisioned to evolve into a broader «European Net-Zero Industry Academy» offering education and training for a decarbonized future.
  • International Cooperation: The Commission is intensifying collaboration with international partners on clean hydrogen deployment and market development, leveraging the Clean Hydrogen Mission under Mission Innovation.
  • Increased Funding: An additional €200 million has been invested in the Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking specifically to bolster support for European Hydrogen Valleys.

Commissioner Ivanova Emphasizes Hydrogen’s Role:

Iliana Ivanova, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, highlighted the strategic importance of clean hydrogen for the EU’s green energy transition and energy independence. She emphasized the significance of Hydrogen Valleys and the need for collaboration in achieving the 2030 target.

Hydrogen Valleys: Cornerstones of a Clean Energy Future:

Geographical areas where clean hydrogen powers local households, transportation, and industries, Hydrogen Valleys are the backbone of a sustainable European hydrogen economy. Originally a European research concept, they are now a global phenomenon.

Current Landscape and Future Support:

With 21 Hydrogen Valleys in Europe, the continent is a leader in this domain. Globally, the count stands at 98, with 67 located within the EU. However, most of these valleys (around 75%) are still in early stages and require diverse support to reach construction readiness. The REPowerEU scheme has addressed this by contributing additional funds to accelerate the roll-out of these vital projects.

The EU’s commitment to clean hydrogen and Hydrogen Valleys is clear. By fostering collaboration, research, and targeted funding, Europe is accelerating its journey towards a sustainable and energy-independent future.


Join the International Conference «Hydrogen Corridors in Europe»

Join the International Conference «Hydrogen Corridors in Europe», which will be held on Thursday, November 30, 2023, at 9.30 a.m., in the Conference Center of the Legnica Special Economic Zone.

The common goal of this event is to seek answers to the key question: how to prepare companies for this revolution and what does it really mean for entrepreneurs, local governments and the world of science?

The event will include two panel discussions. The first will deal with European initiatives on hydrogen in transport corridors and the second with national initiatives on hydrogen in road and river transport corridors. A discussion on the financing of hydrogen corridors is also planned.

During the conference, in addition to listening to expert presentations, participants will have the opportunity for one-on-one speed dating to effectively exchange contacts and establish new business relationships. Rotating tables, the so-called «mixer» for entrepreneurs will consist of 6 rounds of 20 minutes each.

Discover the Framework Agenda of the Conference Hydrogen Corridors of Europe.

Register now!


European Hydrogen Valleys at EU Hydrogen Research Days 2023

European Hydrogen Valleys at EU Hydrogen Research Days 2023.

In 2023, the EU Hydrogen Research Days, integrated in the Hydrogen Week, will take place fully ONLINE on the 15 and 16 November.

During the EU Hydrogen Research Days, there will be a session dedicated to the European Hydrogen Valleys, where projects in which the Aragon Hydrogen Foundation participates with a different role will be presented.

The agenda of the event indicates that the Hydrogen Valleys will have their space during the first day of the event, on November 15 from 01:30p.m. to 3:15p.m.

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Here you can see the European Hydrogen Valleys projects that you will be able to discover:

Moderator: Antonio Aguilo Rullan- Working with the regions
Antonio Aguilo Rullan, Project Manager, Clean Hydrogen Partnership.

– Status of H2 valleys in Europe – Presentation of the Mission Innovation Platform
Markus Kaufmann, Partner, Roland Berger – Mission Innovation Platform

– Success stories in H2 valleys: The GreenHysland project
Víctor Encinas, GreenHysland Project Coordinator, Enagás Renovable- A growing portfolio: the new projects on H2 Valleys:

– North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley
Jerneja Sedlar, Head of Development Department, Holding Slovenske elektrarne d.o.o.

– BalticSeaH2
Jatta Jussila, General Manager, CLIC Innovation Oy

– HYSouthMarmara
Mehmet Volkan Duman, Coordinator, Hydrogen Working Group, South Marmara
Development Agency

– Trieres
Konstantinos Chatzifotis, EU Affairs Director, Motor Oil Group

– Crave-H2
Spyridon Economou, General Manager, Hydrogen Technologies, Eunice Energy Technologies GmbH & Co.
Technologies GmbH & Co. KG

Bruno Sodiro, Hydrogen Project Development Expert, RINA Consulting

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