GetHyGA initiative, an industrial ecosystem based on hydrogen, to the Aragonese business community.

GetHyGA initiative aims to bring together a large number of projects to be developed in the region related to hydrogen from the energy, economic, industrial and development points of view. The Vice-president and Minister of Industry, Competitiveness and Business Development of the Government of Aragon, Arturo Aliaga, defines the initiative “GetHyGA as a tool to continue consolidating a hydrogen energy and technology pathway in Aragon”.

For Aliaga, GetHyGA adds to a long process that began in Aragon almost two decades ago, a period in which Aragon has been committed to and has carried out diverse and fruitful research into hydrogen that “has allowed our autonomous community to position itself as a benchmark”. And he added, “this new action plan promoted by the Aragon Hydrogen Foundation will allow us to create an industrial ecosystem, what is already known as a hydrogen valley, which will contemplate not only the production and consumption of hydrogen as a source of energy, but also, something that is key, its transport, storage and integration into industrial processes”.

The five main areas of GetHyGA are energy and environment, reindustrialisation and industrial reconversion, promotion of R&D&I, training, skills and talent, and definition of regional policies. The starting point for this initiative is the track record and national and international leadership that Aragon has enjoyed for almost two decades in the promotion of hydrogen technologies, fuel cells and renewable energies, for the benefit of the general interest of its citizens, companies and society.

Aragon Hydrogen Master Plan 2021-2025 Approved

GetHyGA is closely related to the Hydrogen Master Plan for Aragon 2021-2025, which has already been approved by the Board of Trustees of the Aragon Hydrogen Foundation. This document, the Aragon Hydrogen Foundation’s fourth Plan, is key to continue identifying opportunities in the development of hydrogen technologies in Aragon, as well as to establish specific actions that involve entities in its implementation, with the ultimate purpose of creating wealth in the region and helping to meet the national and European objectives of decarbonisation of the economy.